Fixing Montgomery County

Thousands of homeless animals die in our shelters every year. We need to get to the root of the problem. Unwanted litters of kittens and puppies are left on the streets, unwanted! We need to be better as a community. Lone Star Animal Welfare is trying to make a difference, but we need your help. #BetteringtheLivesOfOurBestFriends
Help us FIX MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Think of all the unwanted litters we have prevented! The cost of this aid has not been insignificant. If you have the ability to donate, please use the donation button on our page. Visit our Facebook page to see other ways you can help.
We would like to thank the very generous veterinarians who have helped us with our program.
Dr. French (and Staff) with Bear Branch Animal Hospital
Dr. Pettyjohn (and Staff) with Stone Ridge Veterinary Medical Center
Dr. Amy Crum (and Staff) with Laurel's House
The 25 Veterinarians (Local & National) from The Empty the Shelter Project, along with their Staff & Volunteers