Community Partners
LSAWL is so very thankful for ALL of our community partners. We would not be able to accomplish our goals and missions without your help and support.

Lone Star Animal Welfare League is SO GRATEFUL and once again honored by our largest supporter, Gillman Subaru North (aka TEAM GILLMAN) for their SHARE THE LOVE donation of $38077 in 2024.
Over the years, Team Gillman Subaru North, has SHARED THE LOVE with LSAWL, enabling us to spay/neuter, vaccinate, and microchip over 8400 pets for the community. We have saved 4500 labs, lab mixes and others wonderful dogs. We have a mobile pet food pantry for senior citizens that serves the East MoCo Area monthly.
We could not do this work without them and the many other amazing donations we receive. When you need a new vehicle to add to your family, please consider a trip to Gillman Subaru North! They are all about helping their community! Thank you, Team Gillman!
Please watch both of our Facebook Pages (LSAWL and Team Gillman) for announcements regarding our FREE microchip events at their location.
Without Team Gillman many of our accomplishments would not have been possible. ❤️ Thank you Gillman Subaru North for your generosity!

Thank you to our 2023 Community GRANT Partners!!
These Foundations contribute to our community efforts and support our Spay & Neuter Programs. We are pleased to partner with them in our efforts to Fixing Montgomery County.