Previous Years Event
Please JOIN Lone Star Animal Welfare League and Gillman Subaru and SHARE THE LOVE!!

Share the love Event 2020
Today , Lone Star Animal Welfare League is truly counting our blessings . So often , we are humbled by the support of the many individuals and businesses who recognize our efforts to help our community through our Fixing Montgomery County program , our Rescue efforts and our community outreach programs.
Today , WE ARE SO GRATEFUL and indeed honored by our largest supporter , Gillman Subaru North aka TEAM GILLMAN for their SHARE THE LOVE donation of $42,053 . Over the years, Gillman has SHARED THEIR LOVE with our organization so that together we were able to help so many folks in our community .
Our microchip / voucher day events and Muttcracker Market at their location have been beneficial to many . These will continue as soon as our lives get back to normal.
I will share later on this page ( from a Jan post ) , LSAWL accomplishments in 2019 . Without Team Gillman much of these accomplishments would not have been possible . ❤️ Thank you Gillman Subaru North for your generosity !
Please share with lots of LIKES for our animal welfare friends , Gillman Subaru .
Thank you Chris Gillman and all of your Team !
Share the love Event 2019
We have amazing partners who are involved in bettering the lives of not only our best friends but also the lives of our entire community . This blew our minds today receiving this check from our community partners Gillman Subaru North ! Do you realize the good that this will do for pets and their families ? $45,696 !!!!!
Please look for some events happening soon here at Team Gillman Subaru and in our community .
Due to this generous donation through Gillman and Subaru’s Share the Love we will be able to spay and neuter 300-400 dogs . Watch for announcements ! If you are looking for a great vehicle please head on over to their show room - the biggest Subaru dealership in North America !
Share the love Event 2018
Once again, Lone Star Animal Welfare League was overwhelmed with the generosity and support from Gillman Subaru North on May 5th, 2018 . This incredible donation made possible by Subaru's Share the Love program late 2017 will further our missions : Fixing Montgomery County and Lab Rescue . Their partnership has helped us achieve incredible results throughout the years by helping us spay and neuter over 4500 dogs and cats and saving 3000 labs.
Subaru North is a great sales team with a strong commitment to the people and the welfare of animals in our community .
Share the love Event 2017
Lone Star Animal Welfare League was overwhelmed with the generosity and support from Gillman Subaru North this morning (April 14th, 2017) . This incredible donation made possible by Subaru's Share the Love program late 2016 will further our missions : Fixing Montgomery County and Lab Rescue . Their partnership has helped us achieve incredible results throughout the years by helping us spay and neuter over 4000 dogs and cats and saving 2900 labs .
Subaru North is a great sales team with a strong commitment to the people and the welfare of animals in our community .
Thank you Gillman for your Incredible support !
Share the love Event 2016
THANK YOU SUBARU and GILLMAN SUBARU for working to give back to the community and helping the cause of homeless animals !
Share the love Event 2015

It’s was a very busy 2019 for the LSAWL volunteers . As we look back through the 20,000 photos of flyers and event photos, we realize how full our year really was.
Our board is proud of our accomplishments and grateful for the businesses and individuals who support our efforts.
We are grateful to our volunteers who have a common passion to help animals in need and who give their time to make a difference. It takes TEAMWORK !
LSAWL’s FIXING MONTGOMERY COUNTY PROGRAM 2019 (Our veterinary costs were over $32,000)
345 dogs and cats were spayed or neutered.
Cats: 6 spays / 9 neuters ( There are many cat programs out there so we do focus on dogs)
Dogs : 190 spays / 140 neuters .
Many times we greatly subsidize vaccinations when they go into surgery or when we have a Healthy Pet Day .
We vaccinated more than 2500 dogs and cats since we started as a non profit (2004) and we have spayed or neutered over 4400 dogs and cats .
LSAWL’s Lab Rescue Program 2019 (Our Veterinary costs at $31,000)
Thanks to fosters who have stepped up to help. We have saved, vetted and adopted 42 labs and lab mixes this year.
We had some difficult cases along the way. Jack , a chocolate lab we pulled from MCAS survived distemper and Nell, the white lab mix saved from a chained life needed a FHO surgery and therapy .
Other vetting (besides spay/neuters) included Heartworm Treatments for 60% of our dogs, Entropion surgery’s….not to mention treating for ear infections, skin conditions, vaccinations. It's all part of the rescue world.
LSAWL’s Microchipping initiative ($6,000)
We are proud to say we have microchipped 900 dogs and cats this year.
LSAWL donated funds to both MCAS and Harris County to hold free microchipping for the public.
Every time we have voucher days or healthy pet days we sponsor free chipping at time of surgery.
At our microchipping specific events, such as Gillman Subaru North and Hollywood Feed we chipped another 100.
LSAWL’s Kuranda Bed Initiative (LSAWL's contribution to beds, blankets, and food costs $10,800)
In January of 2019, we held a matching bed program for MCAS. With the help from Exxon folks and the community, we were able to provide 140 news beds to MCAS. Our build day was busy with fabulous volunteers working to get these ready to deliver to the shelter . Blankets and treats were also provided .
In November of 2019, we learned of the need for beds at a shelter called Bayou Animal Services in the Dickinson area. While we were waiting for the completion of that shelter, 30 built kuranda beds , cat beds , blankets and toys were stored for delivery in February of 2020.
LSAWL’s Education Push ($2500)
Our coloring book of Responsible Pet Care has been distributed to date to over 400 children and we are looking for sponsors to help us give this to many schools in the Houston area.
LSAWL’s Aid to other Rescues and Non profit groups 2019 ($9,000)
You may not be aware of this but initially our group was started to provide grants for rescue groups that needed veterinary assistance .
While we cannot often provide large amounts due to our own mission’s expenses, we have donated to help groups with vetting costs or to help various groups with spay/neuter in areas that need help. We have helped groups with boarding costs for transport dogs so that dogs can make required transport scheduling.
Some of the groups we aided this year were MCAS, Who Rescued Who, Huts4Mutts, Chance to Bloom Dogs – now with another group), Bayou Animal Services, Alberts Dog Lounge, and Hempstead Pound pups. When we donate to any group, to help with spay/ neuter of crisis situation, we send the money to the veterinarians office and direct it toward a specific dog or effort.
These accomplishments don’t include our fundraising events, Mutts and Putts, Robard’s Yappy hour days, Orvis Gift Wrapping, Muttcracker Market – Photos with Santa, Eva’s bandana and blanket sales and other time consuming efforts to raise funds for our missions. We are grateful to the individuals who help us consistently by donating funds to help us with the efforts listed above. We. are grateful to the volunteers who give their precious time into making these events happen. We are also grateful to our veterinarian partners. Without their help we could not do this work. Bear Branch Animal Hospital, Stone Ridge Veterinary Medical Center, and My Family Vet. Thank you.
Businesses who’s support help us enormously .....THANK YOU ALL!
Gillman Subaru North has been our NUMBER 1 supporter through their Share the Love Program. Without them we could not be doing all the good that we do.
Snooze A.M. Eatery The Woodlands ! They gave us a big boost this spring at their grand opening .
All of our Mutts & Putts sponsors and golfers .
Jane Phillips Society
East Montgomery County Improvement District
Montgomery County Community Foundation
Houston PetSet
SOOO many individuals who honor us with donating some of their hard earned money to our missions. We are blessed to have such a wonderful support system. As stated before, it takes a village.
We hope that 2020 is the year that you may decide to foster or volunteer for a good cause, whether is animal welfare or human, it’s making a difference in this world.
Happy New Year folks. Stay safe and we wish you a wonderful 2020!
..... from all of us with LSAWL!