Fore the Paws 2023
October 29, 2023 2pm - October 29, 2023 5pm
Please join us for the 2nd Annual LSAWL Golf Event @ Top Golf in Spring, TX. Our event will consist of lunch, tournament style Top Golf Play, Silent Auction and Raffle Items.
We encourage you to buy a Bay for $650 (which includes a team of six (6)) or register as an individual for $150 where you will be grouped in sets of six (6).
Sponsorships are also available at a variety of levels and can be viewed below.
If you have questions or would like to sponsor and/or register please contact one of the following:
For sponsorships: Laura @ or Lisa @
For Registration: Tara @

Microchipping @ Gillman Subaru North
Please join us for a FREE microchipping event at Gillman Subaru North on Saturday, November 18th from 12 - 2pm. We will have approximately 40 microchips available, service provided while supplies last.
Muttcracker Market & Pet Photos with Santa
Come join us for photos with Santa and a variety of pet products and unique gifts on Saturday, December 9th from 11-1p.
**2022 Santa Photo Shoot below - 2023 set has not yet been chosen.
Pet Distribution Event for Montgomery County Residents
Helping Pets by giving one bag of pet food to senior citizens in East Montgomery County (while supplies last) @ Bull Sallas Park in New Caney. This will be a drive through event sponsored by Lone Star Animal Welfare League. Please see our facebook for details regarding dates and times.

Event Supporters

Gillman Subaru of North Houston
Website: Gillman Subaru of North Houston

Bear Branch Animal Hospital
Website: Bear Branch Animal Hospital

Snooze - The Woodlands
Website: Snooze, AM Eatery

East Montgomery County Improvement District
Website: EMCTX

Montgomery County Community Foundation
Website: MCCF

Houston Pet Set
Website: HPS