Just wanted to send you a quick update. Hannah is doing wonderful! She's
amazing! Love her so much, and she loves me. She's already attached at my
hip. Puppy cat and Hannah are still getting familiar with one another.
Hannah is okay, until Puppy starts to hiss and raise her hair, Hannah will
then bark once and I will say "Hannah, back off" and she will come right to
my side. I've been feeding her in the kennel, but she slept in bed with me
last night, did great! I was woken up by a cold nose in my face around 7am.
She had tore her first "baby" all up, stuffing everywhere, but hasn't chewed
on anything else. I took her to my grandmothers house, we have to learn to
"load up". Once she was in the Jeep, she did great, I had the window cracked
and she just sat there with her nose out the window, happy girl! I can't
thank you enough for what you and the rest involved do for these pups! I am
so grateful to have found Hannah. I am about to head to Petco to get a new
"baby" and some rubber balls to freeze with peanut butter for the morning. I
am going to call the trainer and doggy day care in the morning so we can go
ahead and get going on a good schedule within a week or two. :)
- Whitney