Chuck (aka Charlie Brown)
Life is good here in my new home in Katy, TX! I love my mom and dad, and my dog-sister, Chela, so much! Chela is a good big sister; she says she learned how to be a good sibling from her big brother, Wilson (a lovable 95 pound black lab mix), who passed away very recently because he had lymphoma. Mom and dad said he was the best big brother a girl could have, and because he was so special, they wanted to give another dog a chance to live a good life, just like they did for Wilson in 2005. My mom says she is happy Chela is such a good girl too, because I do everything Chela does. I can't wait to get out of my crate in the mom and dad give me hugs and kisses, then I go outside to do my business! Mom lets Chela and I play a while before she feeds us breakfast, then I “chow down”. Mom had to buy me a “slow feed” bowl because I eat too fast, but I have learned to sit on the rug and wait until mom puts down my bowl before I can eat (Chela taught me that). Then Chela and I play with all our toys and create quite a ruckus, but mom and dad don't mind at all! Mom says it tires us out so she can drink coffee and catch up on her laptop! Mom and dad take us for a 2 mile walk everyday around the lake; and sometimes we go for another walk later. I Walk really good on the leash, and I sit and let kids pet me all the time. The kids on my street come play with me in my yard, and sometimes go with me on my walk. I also love to splash in the pool swim-out, and I am going to get brave soon and try to swim. My sister Chela loves to swim all over the pool, so I can't wait until she teaches me. Mom and dad think the water is too cold for them, but my sister and I love it! I am pretty tuckered out by the time evening rolls around. I just sleep most of the time, and sometimes we get to lay on the couch, or on the bed with mom and dad if our “special dog blanket” is on the sofa or bed. Like I is good! I can't wait to visit mom and dad's “grand-dog-daughter”, Ginger, at her house in Austin. I love her too; she was at my mom and dad's house when they adopted me. She is an Australian Shepherd, so she herds me all over the place. Mom and dad want me to say thank you to everyone who helped me find my new home.